Monday, November 13, 2006

I have an entire week off!

From real-world work this week. I have not taken any vacation time from my job since January when we were in England. That's far too long to go without lengthy time off. I'm in sales and since I have an annual sales goal, it's hard for me to justify not working. I made my goal already so I feel okay about taking time off although I'm missing out on extra revenue I could be making toward a bonus. Oh well, I was going insane and need this week to myself.

I'm going to take this opportunity to get myself organized and think dutifuly about what my tri season is going to look like next year. I want to graduate to a half-ironman in 2007. That means I'm going to really have to work my butt off. But I'm certain I can handle it. It's going to mean a rigid training schedule that I can't f*ck off at any time. I've still not made up my mind 100% on this, but I'm strongly leaning toward it.

This all depends on how much extra work is going to be involved with school starting in January. I'll be taking two college courses and it's way more important that tri training. I might only be able do normal gym workouts and ride/run on the weekend as I normally do.

Green Pea has reminded me that journaling your workouts is good to keep you on track and make you accountable for actually doing them. So, I'm going to start today:

75 min gym workout with Lawrence -
10 min treadmill
dynamic stretching
90x20lb bench press
30 push ups
20 squats with 15 lb ball throw
40x20lb single leg lunge - altrenate legs
40x20lb squats
20x20lb BOSU squats with press
20x20lb BOSU squats with row
15 min stairclimber
5 min stretch

This was a good workout, I love to sweat. Seriously...sweat makes me feel great. The sweatier the workout the more proud I am of myself for completing it:)

1 comment:

Deb said...

Good for you girlie (all around)!! Training, school (I DON'T know how you do it!) and time off. I'm in sales as well, and time off cannot be 'an option'. Have a great week off. Re-new, re-center & re-balance. Where ever you land at teh end of the week, will be fabulous! ;)